Disinformation in Flight 175 Rare Video (Posted Sep 11 2013)

By: Mark Conlon/Andrew Johnson (Updated 15th Nov 2015) Recently, a "Rare Video" of Flight 175 apparently hitting WTC 2 on 911 was re-circulated. This was originally shot by Michael Hezarkhani. In this video: Though the video correctly states that the way the crash and explosion happens is impossible (if a normal plane was involved), the thrust of this video is that it must be fake, because the plane wing passes behind a certain building when it should not be able to do this, because it is claimed the building in question is behind WTC 2. My short analysis below clearly shows that this conclusion is incorrect . See below for additional information. The picture below shows the Michael Hezarkhani video with the two buildings in question which Markus Allen claims the plane’s wing passes behind. In the picture below will help us to understand the two buildings location in relation to the South Tower in the Michael Hezarkhani video. The picture below also helps to demonstrate the ...