Exposing Steve De'ak's Avoidance of "Video Fakery" & More Ad Hominem Attacks

By Mark Conlon This is a review and response to Steve De'ak's latest "derogatory" article called. "Tools of the Trade: Mark Conlon" . In his latest article we see another insight into the kind of mentality, attitude and nature of De'ak, while never addressing any of the points about "video fakery", which he uses to support his "flawed" "multiple missile" theory. De'ak's introduction to his article below: De'ak says... "Just a quick poke at Judy Wood’s tool, Mark Conlon. From his post below, he seems to be nursing a grudge. He won’t take comments on his blog and he is fond of being indignant and of accusing me of lying, so I thought I’d add a little fuel to his fire". Analysis of De'ak's introduction: Above yet again we have an example of De'ak's true colours, (colours spelt the English way Steve) of where he is lying and being derogatory. I am not a "tool" of Dr. Wo...