Markus Allen's Disappearing Buildings on 9/11

By: Mark Conlon: 8th July 2014 This is the third analysis that I have conducted into claims made by Markus Allen in relation to a historical video taken by Michael Hezarkhani on September 11th 2001, whereby Michael Hezarkhani captured video footage of ‘Flight 175’ hitting the South Tower. To my disbelief Markus Allen has yet another claim about the Michael Hezarkhani video. He now claims that the surrounding buildings are missing from the Michael Hezarkhani video footage. At first glance the claim can seem quite convincing and credible, especially if you are not as familiar with the evidence he provides to prove his claim. (Luckily I’m very familiar with the videos and photographical evidence of 'Flight 175'). To advance his new claim Markus Allen provides a ‘snap shot’ (or single frame) from the Michael Hezarkhani video to convince people that the buildings are missing from the video, thus proving 'video fakery' in Markus Allen's...