Unexplained Anomalies in the Sky on 9/11

By Mark Conlon In this short blog post I want to draw attention to some strange anomalies captured in various videos and photographs during Flight 175's approach towards the South Tower before it crashed. Please see a selection below of the video still images and photographs showing the anomalies. To begin my analysis please see the Park Foreman video still image below: Many people have tried to explain these strange white anomalies as paper which was ejected from the North Tower after it go its damage from the "alleged" plane. However if you look at the size of the "alleged" plane in this still video image from the Park Foreman video, the anomalous objects would have to be far too large to be pieces of paper flying around in the air. Plus, the anomalous objects, that if indeed they are solid objects showing-up in different frames of the video as the "alleged" plane approaches the South Tower. Here's a closer look at the Park Foreman video stil...