New Evidence Analysis Proves 9/11 "Nose-Out" Videos are a Dust Explosion

By Mark Conlon

For sometime now I have been unsure about the Fox News "Chopper 5" nose-out video footage showing a plane's nose "exiting" the South Tower building. My initial reasons for my doubts were firstly alerted when Richard D. Hall did a comparison study on the plane's nose before it entered the South Tower building and afterwards as it exits the building. Richard's study comparisons were in contrast to what Simon Shack presented in his September Clues film, which led me to be not as convinced regarding it being a plane's nose exiting the South Tower. I referenced this video clip in an article called: September Clues - Layers of Deception - (Part Two) - Published Wednesday, 5 October 2016

See video clip below:

My article I link to above does discuss differences in the plane shaped nose, and I suggest some type of manipulation took place of the plane nose shape compared to Simon Shack's versions in his September Clues film, although when I wrote the article I still interpreted the shape to be a plane's nose not a dust cloud, but felt something wasn't quite right, hence the inclusion of Richard's comparisons he did. 

Over the past few months I have spoken to someone who has decided to conduct in depth research into this area of the 9/11 plane videos, and analyse exactly what we were seeing, not just the Fox News "Chopper 5" video, but all the relevant plane videos of the alleged "nose-out". I believe this "new" analysis and findings to be of the utmost value in determining what we were really observing in the 9/11 "Flight 175" plane videos of what was "exiting" the South Tower. 

Please watch this new video analysis below and consider carefully the evidence presented in it, and also be aware of how your views on this subject have been shaped by people such as; Simon Shack and Ace Baker. Consider this new evidence!!!

Analysis below is conducted by someone who goes under the name "Conspiracy Cuber" on YouTube...


Considering new information and evidence during an investigation should be an on-going exercise if we are to get closer to the truth. Remaining open to it is imperative. After seriously considering this new evidence it has "confirmed" earlier doubts that we was "not" looking at a plane's nose "exiting" the South Tower building, but a dust cloud which resembles the shape of the plane's nose in a lot of the "lower" quality videos. Also remember the suggestion that we were seeing a plane's nose was something continually told to us by Simon Shack and Ace Baker. Did this cause many people including myself to not fully study this video evidence carefully and objectively, because I had already along with many others had my observations shaped by such suggestions, something which I have spoken about many times in my previous articles. Misdirection has been a key to misleading many of us from observing the videos and what is actually contained in them. This is convincing new evidence, and I ask all of you to seriously consider it before hanging-on to such suggestions from the likes of Simon Shack and Ace Baker. 

Excellent Analysis by Conspiracy Cuber...


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