Conspiracy Cuber & Christian Hampton of Wolf Clan Media - 9/11 Interview/Conversation

 By Mark Conlon

This was formerly unlisted for nearly a year until Chris came out with the film; finally decided to make it public a year after we did it. I cut out some of the beginning and ending parts that were us working out technical glitches and contained personal information on Michael Hezarkhani.

ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION: I was given the opportunity on 1/13/18 to talk about 9/11 related issues with Christian Hampton for his upcoming film. We discussed a wide range of topics including the myth of video fakery, Steve De'ak and his disinformation, holographic technology existing in decades past, the missing wing, the Gelatin group, witnesses and videographers/photographers, audio issues, UFOs, and more. Thank you to Chris for the opportunity and the information. Sorry about the bad audio quality, I screen recorded the whole thing on my laptop, but only 14 minutes of me working out technical issues were recorded. Fortunately, I had another camera set up in the room as a backup, and I was forced to use the audio from that.

Thanks for listening!


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