Setting The Record Straight About The Michael Hezarkhani Video

By Mark Conlon In the video below, I explain some of the misconceptions which have been circulated over the years by various 9/11 researchers' in relation to the "historical" Michael Hezarkhani video, where they have incorrectly claimed it to be a fake video. The reason I believe "falsehoods" have been put-out about the Michael Hezarkhani video is to cast doubt in people's minds as to what was really captured in the video, thus to "discredit" the video visual evidence contained within it, such as; impossible plane speed and impossible crash physics. This video could potentially reveal the use of an advanced "image projection" technology, if people were to believe the video is authentic, thus ruling out video fakery. This appears to be why "video fakery" was introduced around 2003-4, and in my opinion is a clever "Psychological Operation" to create enough doubt in people's minds regarding the 9/11 visual evidence ...