Analysis of Steve De'ak's Claim Regarding the Michael Hezarkhani Video "Plane Gash"

By Mark Conlon

This is a short video I made addressing Steve De'ak's claims on Jim Fetzer's show on the 16th June 2017. Steve De'ak claimed that Michael Hezarkhani fabricated and manipulated his video footage of the plane shaped gash in the South Tower building. In this analysis I demonstrate that Michael Hezarkhani did not manipulated his video by adding smoke or blurring-out the plane hole gash, as Steve De'ak claims. 


This video has not been made to discredit Steve De'ak or personally attack him, it has been made to point-out what I believe to be an "invalid" theory that Steve De'ak presented on Jim Fetzer's show. 

As I have already stated in my response on 19th Decemeber to Steve De'ak's blog post on the 17th December 2017, I would be happy to point-out any areas where I felt Steve is correct in his analysis of the plane gash damage in the North Tower which he presents in his videos. I have not fully researched this area to reach any conclusion regarding Steve's ideas/theories. My main focus and contention has been analysing the claims made in relation to the video footage which many 9/11 researchers present as "video fakery". I felt this was a valid example which needed addressing. I welcome any feedback through the "Contact Form" located at the bottom of the right-hand side-bar of my blog page. 

Thank you for reading, watching and caring...



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