Good Video Analysis By: "YougeneDebs" of Simon Shack's September Clues - Addendum Film

Here is an excellent video analysis of Simon Shack's September Clues Addendum film, exposing some of the deliberate "falsehoods" put-out by Simon Shack. Details and video below are from "YougeneDebs" YouTube Channel Published on Oct 18, 2009.
An investigation into Simon Shacks claim that a certain helicopter was absent from network footage during the collapse of WTC2; a claim made in his September Clues Addendum Chapter 1.

And now that we have more information about a helicopter in the footage during the collapse of Tower Two, we can make a better judgment about Simons claim.

Did Simon cut out inconvenient and potentially contradictory facts? It would seem so! What about poor research skills or willful negligence? I see no effort that Simon tried to find a longer clip of the zoomin showing a helicopter during the collapse.

And finally, did someone tamper with the evidence to bleach out not one, but 2 helicopters? Did Simon have the means, motive, and opportunity?
Simons methods seem to be very impressive, but for the wrong reasons!
So, Simon, himself, presented Pat the helicopter in live footage during the collapse; completely debunking his own claim; demonstrating once again that Simon publishes in the auto-debunkery genre.

Thank you for watching... and caring! 



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