Simon Shack - Exploits "Parallax" Perspectives to Promote "Video Fakery" in the 9/11 Videos

Here's an excellent video analysis of Simon Shack's September Clues "moving buildings" conducted by: YougeneDebs - Published on Sep 16, 2009 

This analysis by YougeneDebs demonstrates how Simon Shack "exploits" parallax views to "falsely" promote "video fakery" in the 9/11 video evidence record. Please see analysis video below: 

As we can see in the analysis above, there is conclusive evidence that Simon Shack has knowingly "deceived" people by "exploiting" the parallax perspectives in his September Clues video, even though he was informed about his mistakes regarding the "moving buildings" in his September Clues film. unfortunately Simon Shack ignored this mistake and thus re-issued another version of his September Clues film with same mistake. What more evidence is their to present about Simon Shack's efforts to knowingly "deceive" people with his September Clues film in the name of promoting "video fakery", as it is now clear to see that he has been "deliberately" putting-out falsehoods and disinformation in his videos.

Thank you for watching, reading... and also for caring. This case is closed!



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