Simon Shack "Misrepresents" Plane Flight Path in 9/11 Video

By Mark Conlon

In this "brief" analysis I shall demonstrate Simon Shack's "misrepresentation" of Flight 175's "alleged" flight path at 26:10 in his September Clues. 

See below: screen-shot from 26:10 in September Clues.
Simon Shack suggests the plane's flight path is "rising" in the video? After past research conducted into Simon Shack's claims and methods of his presentation of evidence, I questioned whether or not Simon Shack had "accurately" represented the plane's flight path in this video.

Checking the Evidence:
I decided to try and track the plane's "actual" flight path (and not the plane flight path as suggested by Simon Shack in his film). I did this by "overlaying" two different video frames using an "earlier" time-frame and a "later" time frame as the plane travels towards the South Tower. See two screen-shot images below: 

In the two screen-shot images above I have "highlighted" the two white boxes in two separate video frames, which I decided to overlay the two video frames on top of each other so we could track the plane's flight path more accurately and have a greater idea of the plane's flight path. See the result below of the two overlaid images:

In the image above I added "red" lines to represent and highlight the plane's angle as it banks when it continued forwards in its flight path. I also added two "yellow" lines to track the plane's engines which helped to "distinguish" clearer the plane's flight path. 

In the image below, I needed to a add a some more information such as a "Datum" line (orange/black), which would give a "true" representation and angle to work off, by striking a line through the two building's in the foreground. I also put a "red" line through the centre of the plane, which also helped to highlight the plane's flight path. See image below:

In the image above it gives us more information to work with which can help determine whether or not the plane's flight path is in a descent or whether it is "rising" as Simon Shack suggested in his film. 

What I did next was to find another video from a different angle which I could apply the same set of highlighting lines to along with a "Datum" so I could compare. See image below: Please see the highlighting lines Colour Key in the top left corner also in the image.

As you can see from the image above the plane is in a descent, and clearly from the (orange/black) "Datum" line we can also see that the plane tilts and banks sidewards. See both images for comparison below:

See below: Short video showing the plane's trajectory flight path to be descending NOT elevating like shack will have us believe in his September Clues film.

Analysis Conclusion:
As we can see the plane's flight path was not "rising", but was in a "descent", which has been completely "misrepresented" by Simon Shack in his September Clues film. We can clearly see that comparing both images together with the extra informational lines, we see the plane tilting and banking as it closer to the South Tower before impact, which can be seen consistently in both images above. 

Simon Shack appears to be "exploiting" parallax which is a continuous theme throughout his September Clues films regarding the plane's flight paths. Richard D. Hall's "Flight 175" 3D Radar Analysis proved conclusively that all the plane's flight paths matched in each of the 26 videos sufficient to be analysed from the 53 videos available, thus proving Simon Shack's claims to "false". 

Again questions are raised about Simon Shack’s presentation of video evidence and the methods he uses in his film September Clues. Is Simon Shack promoting the idea of "video fakery" to discredit the video evidence record of 9/11? When studying Simon Shack’s presentation in his film, it becomes clear that he has continually omitted or misrepresented evidence. From my past analysis, where I have disproved other claims he makes in his film, it is now appearing to be a deliberate pattern of deceptive and misleading behaviour, rather than poor research skills, suggesting an agenda to promote disinformation about the video record on 9/11. 
It appears Simon Shack is overseeing a "Psychological Operation" to promote "video fakery" to lead people away from closely studying other explanations for the 9/11 video evidence. When people believe they have an explanation for the anomalies, it stops them studying the evidence any further. This personally happened to me for several years, and in that respect, Simon Shack’s "Psychological Operation" worked, as I didn’t continue to study closely, because I thought I had the answers… How wrong I was.
For further information regarding Simon Shack read this article by written by Andrew Johnson in May 2012:  9 or 11 “Clues” about Simon Shack and a 3D-Analysis of Flight 175 -

Thank you for reading and caring!


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