"New Video" Conspiracy Cuber's - Response to Steve De'ak, His Theories, and the Formation of the Plane Shaped Holes

By Mark Conlon

I would like share another excellent piece of analysis by Conspiracy Cuber. In this new video he dispelled the claims made by Steve De'ak, who proposes "multiple missiles" caused the plane shaped hole damage at the WTC North Tower. In his analysis of the plane shaped hole damage Conspiracy Cuber demonstrates clearly use of a different process to cause the damage to steel beam/girders, which is consistent with the characteristics of a "Directed Energy Weapon", and also show disruptions in the earth's magnetic fields during all four points in NY.  

Also analysed were the missile reports which De'ak cites as evidence of missiles, which are inaccurately cited by De'ak, as no one can be identified or coming from anonymous sources and second hand reports.  

Also dealt with in this video is Steve De'ak's inaccurate reporting of communications between myself and Conspiracy Cuber, where De'ak accused myself of "deleting" my YouTube comments from a thread I was involved on De'ak's YouTube video. De'ak made a big-deal about this, but ignored information to my YouTube channel being terminated by YouTube, but still reported "falsely" that I had "deleted" my comments. Still reported inaccurately in De'ak's articles, even though he has been informed of the situation yet in the name of being accurate shows a total disregard for being honest in his reporting of what was exchanged in the comment thread, and is also noted how he "ignored" Conspiracy Cuber's offer of a PDF file of all the comments exchanged, which he has distorted when referring to the exchanges between us.

So I am glad this point was addressed in this video, and also the treatment of Conspiracy Cuber who merely challenged De'ak on his website regarding his theories, where De'ak blocked Conspiracy Cuber, which is a bit rich after De'ak mocked myself for not allowing comments on my blogsite, only contact via a "Contact Form" button directly to me. Note: De'ak did not use the contact form options on my blog, opting to make his communications public, yet then accused myself and Conspiracy Cuber of "stalking" him when reading his public comments, which again is the type of double-speak we hear from Steve De'ak over and over and over again. This video is an excellent documentation of the evidence which needs addressing.

Conspiracy Cuber's video below: 

This is a great piece of research which correctly explains the observed evidence in relation to the plane shaped holes, and how they were made by use of a Directed Energy Weapon. The evidence supports this and De'ak is ignoring the magnetometer data and the unexplained fraying of the beams, and how Edna Sintron got to her position location in the plane hole, considering De'ak says the floors were all removed or missing before 9/11. De'ak clings to the "video fakery" theory because without this theory he cannot have 24 missiles hitting the both WTC towers. Steve De'ak cannot explain why there is no missile debris ejecting from the towers. 

Other observations and evidence to be considered...
De'ak cannot explain why there is 'NO' fuel contamination at the "Flight 93" crash site, as missiles he cites that caused the crater in Shanksville have fuel tanks. There should be some ground contamination in that crash crater. There was NOT. The fuel did not simply all burn-up either, observed with the "smoke plume" in a video and photograph. Grass was unburnt, other unusual side-effects were present which De'ak is ignoring or deliberately not addressing, like the fuming in the crater which started on the 12th Sept. He also has taken missile reports in relation to the "Flight 93" event out of context, similarly to what he has done at WTC event. Also you correctly show how he has lied regarding the false statements he made about me deleting my YT comments, which he still has not corrected  As you ask, WHY has De'ak NOT taken his evidence to court. Dr. Wood did, because she wasn't worried about submitting her evidence because of the Smith an Mundt Act. Perhaps De'ak is?

Thank you 'Conspiracy Cuber' for doing this analysis, and thank you to those of you for watching, reading and caring...



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