
Showing posts from July, 2018

Simon Shack's - 9/11 September Clues Forum "Disinformation" Psy-Op Network

  By Mark Conlon I edited this short video together which was made by someone else which was a much longer version. The creator exposes Simon Shack promulgating "false" disinformation in his September Clues forum. Shack claims the video and photographs are all fake on 9/11, however this video shows how he exploits parallax and different viewing perspectives and also different times in motion to promote video and photographic fakery. Shack even tries to claim that a piece of video footage from the Bataclan had a "missing door" in it, which was false.  This video clearly demonstrates the deliberate atempts by Simon Shack to implant and promote disinformation. Shack also appears to be embedded with a network of other "video fakery" promoters such as Fakeologist, Markus Allen, OBF and Hoax Busters.  See video below:     Thank you for watching!

9/11 Alchemy "Facing Reality" - (Full Updated Version - 720p) By: Chris Hampton of Wolf Clan Media

By Mark Conlon I would like to personally thank Chris Hampton of Wolf Clan Media for taking the time to make this film. Also thanks for including my research and to all the other researchers involved in the project. Chris is a skilled researcher in his own right, and not just a film-maker which shows through in his film. Chris didn't have an easy task collating all the information and research, yet made a film which effortlessly combines a great deal of research information into a watchable easy to follow format. Credit to him for achieving this.  9/11 Alchemy "Facing Reality" - Full Version - 720p Chris has made this film available for free, however by buying a DVD HQ version you can help him recover some of the costs, as he injected a lot of his own money into the making this film. Plus this will help him expand on future research films he will be embarking on in the future. See details below:  Pre-order the HQ DVD here: ...

The Disappearing and Reappearing Wing Study

  By Mark Conlon In this study analysis I am going to compare two videos which captured an anomaly involving "alleged" Flight 175's plane wing briefly disappearing before impacting the South Tower. I will also explore some of the most common explanations which have been put forward to try and explain these anomalies.  Many 9/11 researchers have tried to explain away some of the anomalies captured in the "Flight 175" videos. One such case is the video footage showing the plane wing disappearing in some of the videos. Some researchers believe that video compression was responsible for the plane wing's disappearance, while others say it is because of the background and the sky. To some degree these can be valid arguments put forward. To demonstrate these two points I have used below two videos taken of regular planes in the sky to demonstrate how these two factors affect the video camera's ability to register the "real" plane's wings and tail ...

New Attempts To Circulate "Disinformation" About The Michael Hezarkhani Video...

  By Mark Conlon In past blogs I have highlighted the attempts being made to promulgate disinformation about the Michael Hezarkhani video of "alleged" Flight 175 impacting the South Tower. I have documented those who are doing this over the last 5 years or so, however in more recent months I have noticed another sharp increase of "new" 9/11 researchers' arriving on the scene to promote the "video fakery" argument while ignoring evidence to the contrary which I have documented because of their unwillingness to study it.  The Hezarkhani video has been targeted through the years and has been subjected to serious "perception management" control to conceal vital evidence captured within the video itself, which is why the lies and disinformation keep resurfacing and the "Perception management" is their to keep people on the wrong path.  I am going to highlight a new example of "false" information doing the rounds about the Micha...

"Alleged" Plane Crashes and the Earth’s Magnetic Field on 9/11…

By Mark Conlon A brief study and outline of the magnetometer evidence in relation to the "alleged" plane crashes on 9/11... Something strange was happening to the Earth's magnetic field at the exact time the  'airplane shaped' holes were created in NYC, The Pentagon and Shanksville on 9/11. Between 8:15am and 5:20pm the earth’s magnetic field shows a continuous disturbance:   The disturbance started around 8:15am and was deflecting downwards reaching its minimum point at 8:46am, then begins to rise upwards again and recovers, then continues upwards reaching a maximum at 9:02-03am. There is also disturbances at 9:37am and also 10:03am and 10:06am, all correlating with the four plane crash events. North Tower: 8:46am & South Tower: 9:02am     Pentagon Event: 9:37am   Shanksville Event: 10:03am – 10:06am   T he Earth’s magnetic field data was measured by 6 different instruments run by the University of Alaska. Dr Judy Wood downloaded the ra...