Simon Shack's - 9/11 September Clues Forum "Disinformation" Psy-Op Network

By Mark Conlon

I edited this short video together which was made by someone else which was a much longer version. The creator exposes Simon Shack promulgating "false" disinformation in his September Clues forum. Shack claims the video and photographs are all fake on 9/11, however this video shows how he exploits parallax and different viewing perspectives and also different times in motion to promote video and photographic fakery.

Shack even tries to claim that a piece of video footage from the Bataclan had a "missing door" in it, which was false. 

This video clearly demonstrates the deliberate atempts by Simon Shack to implant and promote disinformation. Shack also appears to be embedded with a network of other "video fakery" promoters such as Fakeologist, Markus Allen, OBF and Hoax Busters. 

See video below:    

Thank you for watching!


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