New Attempts To Circulate "Disinformation" About The Michael Hezarkhani Video...

By Mark Conlon

In past blogs I have highlighted the attempts being made to promulgate disinformation about the Michael Hezarkhani video of "alleged" Flight 175 impacting the South Tower. I have documented those who are doing this over the last 5 years or so, however in more recent months I have noticed another sharp increase of "new" 9/11 researchers' arriving on the scene to promote the "video fakery" argument while ignoring evidence to the contrary which I have documented because of their unwillingness to study it. 

The Hezarkhani video has been targeted through the years and has been subjected to serious "perception management" control to conceal vital evidence captured within the video itself, which is why the lies and disinformation keep resurfacing and the "Perception management" is their to keep people on the wrong path. 

I am going to highlight a new example of "false" information doing the rounds about the Michael Hezarkahni video to implant doubt over its authenticity, while implying through a subtle "psychological operation" that the video is fake. 

The new theory which surfaced recently attempts to cast doubt by claiming the sunlight and shadow direction on the south face of the South Tower building in the video is wrong.

Below is a short explanation showing how "false" information is implanted into the mind to create doubt over the video evidence...

Disinformation Banner doing the rounds on Facebook below:

Analysis below:

The fact is the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. But at New York's latitude, that's not quite the case. On the summer solstice, the sun rises in the northeast and sets in the northwest, while on the winter solstice, the angle changes and the sun rises in the southeast and sets in the southwest, so what we are seeing regarding the shadow in the Michael Hezarkhani video is correct, the person who has produced this banner is misleading people regarding the sun-rise and sun-set locations in relation to the time of year. I believe this is done deliberately, however implants early-on doubt by telling the reader that the shadow is wrong, when clearly it is correct.

Please consider before sharing information on Facebook...
Please check the veracity of the claims before accepting it as a truth, as you yourself could be party to re-circulating this type disinformation as a truth... when in reality it is LIES!

Thanks for reading!



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