Nothing Unusual About UA175 & UA93's Deregistration?

 By Mark Conlon

A lot has been made of the deregistration process of UA175 and UA93, with it taking up to 4 years for both these planes to be deregistered on 28th Sept 2005. In reality this is nothing out of the ordinary, although some 9/11 researchers such as Jim Fetzer and others cite this as unusual when in fact it is not.

One only has to take a look through the FAA Government Records to see it is not unusual for an aircraft to be deregistered many years later of its initial retirement of certification. So myself I would not use this point of fact to try and prove anomalies with UA175 and UA93 as some "prominent" 9/11 researchers have been doing over the years, as it simply proves nothing.

I have listed some case examples below of planes which have taken a longer period of time to be deregistered.  Anyone can checkout tail numbers at the FAA Registry - Aircraft - N-Number Inquiry:

Example 1:

28 December 1978; United Air Lines DC8; N8082U, flight 173; Portland, OR: This was a scheduled domestic flight from Denver, CO to Portland, OR. After the landing gear was lowered, there were several indications of a landing gear - problem, including unusual noises and no indication that one of the landing gear had deployed properly. The crew went into a holding pattern while investigating the problem. The aircraft ran out of fuel while holding for landing and crashed in a residential area. Two of the eight crew members and eight of the 181 passengers were killed. No one on the ground was injured or killed. This plane was cancelled on Oct 13th 1981... nearly 3 years later.

Example 2:

4 March 2001; United Air Lines 767-300; N666UA; flight 42; near Kona, HI: The aircraft was on a scheduled domestic flight from Kahului, HI to Los Angeles, CA. The aircraft experienced a dual engine power loss while climbing through 24,000 feet. According to the FAA, the crew had performed a precautionary shutdown on one engine due to fuel mismanagement, and the second engine shut down due to fuel starvation. The crew was able to restart both engines and divert to the airport at Kona, HI. None of the 250 passengers and crew on board were injured. It took 4 years to cancel the plane and be deregistered.

Example 3:
Pacific Southwest Airlines Flight 1771 was a scheduled flight from Los Angeles, California, to San Francisco. On 7 December 1987, the British Aerospace 146-200A, registration N350PS, crashed in Cayucos, California, as a result of a murder–suicide by one of the passengers.It was not cancelled until 1993. (Thanks to 'Conspiracy Cuber' for this "excellent" case example).


So there we have it, again we have 9/11 researchers not fully checking the facts before promoting "alleged" anomalies in the data which are not valid anomalies at all.

Thanks for reading and caring...


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