"UPDATE" State of Play so Far: 9/11 Airplanes

By Mark Conlon

State of play so far: 9/11 Airplanes....

I have been asked by some people if I could offer a brief summary of where the research and investigation into the airplanes on 9/11 is at so far.  I haven't included any links in this post, as the research is still in its early stages.

Flight 93 – Evidence based information shows it landed at Reagan National Airport at 10:28am. All evidence indicating this took place. (Documented on my blog and also in Chris Hampton's film - 9/11 Alchemy "Facing Reality)

Flight 11 – Evidenced based information shows it didn't hit the North Tower and was heading towards the Washington area after it was reported to have crashed into the North Tower. Supportive evidence is confirmed on FAA & NORAD "official " recordings, including plane tail number and last known coordinates. (Documented in previous posts here and at my blog) Speculation: Flight 11 landed at Reagan Airport at 9:37am.

Flight 175 – Evidenced based information shows it didn't crash into the South Tower and was heading over Connecticut at 10:25am after it "allegedly" crashed into the South Tower. UA175 was captured on 'Flight Explorer' system ( Live-Real-time Software System with FAA) on MS-NBC 1.5 hours after the "alleged" crash, confirming UA175 was still in the air. It appears UA175 was heading back to Boston Logan Airport, which is shown in the planes flight path direction. This is also suggested because of reports by Boston Tower of an “unidentified aircraft” approaching along the coast towards them. The tower was on high alert also.

Flight 77 – Speculation: I suspect because of the location of the “alleged” attack at the Pentagon, Flight 77 was heading back towards the Washington area. I am still working and researching this flight, so I am looking for supportive evidence. Please pass it on if you have anything which can help me.

My Thoughts:

The Washington area offers a secured No-fly zone radius which would make an excellent “controlled area” for the planes to be kept secret. Flight 11 was spotted by Flight 175, and the ATC recordings indicate planes did indeed take-off and the radio contact with the pilots seemed very realistic. Flight 93 was spotted by a VFR. So it appears that visuals did happen with the planes. Interesting we have unidentified aircrafts being mentioned, which I believe was the status of those planes after the "alleged" crashes occurred, because they could not be identified as it would contradict the official narrative, although three planes are officially identified after the crash, these were Flight 11, in the FAA & NOARD recordings with tail number of Flight 11, along with Flight 11’s last coordinates placing it 5.77 miles past its "alleged" crash target the North Tower. Also, Flight 175 which was captured on MS-NBC on Flight Aware which is “real time” data offering updates every 10 seconds. Also we have Flight 93’s last coordinates 15 miles past the crash site and also Hagerstown and Reagan National Airport landing on Flight Aware screen shot at 10:28am. I have not included all evidence here, just a brief summary.

All 3 flights 11, 93 & 77 could have landed at Reagan National Airport, which is indicated by the official narrative and also evidence gathered. This may explain why Reagan National Airport was evacuated and closed-down for 23 days. Something was happening at that airport and it appears it was the only airport which was closed down like that after the attacks. I believe all flights to be "real" at this stage, in the sense that they were part of training exercises, meaning the pilots were taking part in an exercise simulating hijackings, similar to this training exercise planned by NORAD for June 2002 called Amalgam Virgo 2 exercise. The exercise involves two simultaneous commercial aircraft hijackings. One, a Delta 757, with actual Delta pilots and actors posing as passengers, will fly from Salt Lake City, Utah, to Honolulu, Hawaii. It will be “hijacked” by FBI agents posing as terrorists.

John Ogonowski (Flight 11 Pilot) was ex-navy. He was NOT SCHEDULED to fly on 9/11, and he didn't want to either because he had two important dates on this day. But one day before, he called up the pilot who was scheduled to fly Flight 11 - His name is Walter Sorenson. As the senior pilot Ogonowski had the authority to make this call and change the pilot schedule. Speculation; Did Ogonowski get a sudden call from the military to take part in Vigilant Guardian (or another exercise)? This is the best explanation I have for Ogonowski’s behaviour. John Ogonowski didn’t want to fly on September 11th. That was the day people were coming to tour the dozen acres of Asian crops flourishing amid the hay and pumpkins at White Gate Farm. Ogonowski and his wife, Peggy, had hosted such events before, and he told project director Hugh Joseph he would do his best to be around for this one.

I haven't included other research here of the passengers or phone calls yet, and there is still much research to do on Flight 77. I cannot include it all here, so please take this post as a brief summary so far only, it is still a work in progress and changing as new evidence or information is found.

Thanks you for reading and caring...


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